Dear Public Health Ambassadors,
On behalf of the American Public Health Association, I am delighted to invite you to join us as we celebrate National Public Health Week!
Our theme this year is “Protecting, Connecting and Thriving: We Are All Public Health.” Our focus is not just the ways public health serves our communities — protecting our access to clean water and air, to nutritious and safe foods, to the right and ability to access essential health services — but the ways our communities flourish when they have their needs met. We’re covering everything from the basics of safe and healthy schools to the tools that connect us, even when we’re miles apart. As we celebrate the 29th NPHW, April 1-7, we want everyone to know they can make their communities healthier, safer and stronger when we support and stay engaged with one another. When we connect with each other, whether with our neighbors or our lawmakers, we can build relationships that protect our health and enrich our lives.
This NPHW, one of our goals is to look at how our cultural connections and intersections affect our health, well-being and the public health system that cares for us. We’re encouraging everyone — public health professionals, students, elected leaders, activists and the public — to step in and do what they can to make our world a more equitable, safe, healthy and just place. We hope you’ll join us.
APHA is hosting many events throughout this year’s NPHW. All are free to attend, and nearly all are virtual. We know our public health community is vast, and we invite you to join in as many of these events as you can. But we also know that the “National” in NPHW means we can’t do this work alone. In these toolkit pages, you’ll find lots of different opportunities to celebrate wherever you are — whether that’s sharing information and graphics on social media or planning an event in your hometown or on your campus. Last year, more than 100 NPHW events were hosted across the country. We anticipate this year will be even more robust.
We need everyone in our communities working together if we’re going to improve our nation’s health. By building our connections, we build new possibilities for all of us to thrive together.
Thank you for making NPHW possible. We look forward to celebrating with you, this year and every year.
In health and solidarity,
Georges C. Benjamin, MD